The first meeting of the Vernon Methodist Church was held on May 1, 1881 in a small two room dugout. The dugout was home to J.A. Creager and was located west of Vernon. Rev. J.T. Hosmer was the preacher and organizer of the meeting. The Rev. Hosmer, the “Stonewall Jackson of the Northwest Texas Conference” always served on the frontier. It is in his handwriting in the original Register, that the the names of 5 people are listed in attendance.
In 1886, property was purchased for the original church building. Construction was completed on this building in 1889 on the Corner of Deaf Smith and Pease Streets. The congregation grew and a new building was erected in 1910 on the same site. Its mosque like dome and stained glass windows made it something of a showplace in the community. In 1945, it was decided it was time to relocate to a larger building due to a growing membership. Land was acquired and construction work was completed in 1950 on the current Sanctuary located 3029 Wilbarger Street. East Wing of the Church called Wesley Hall was constructed in 1962.

Methodist Church
in 1889
Methodist Church Remodel 1892 

Methodist Church
in 1910