A noisy offering is, as its name indicates, noisy. Noisy is exciting, especially for the smaller members of the congregation. It’s a noisy offering because our youngest worshipers collect spare change from the other worshipers, and when all those nickels and pennies that were weighing down pant pockets or purses fall generously into the tin buckets our little ones are holding, makes some noise.
FUMC began the Noisy Offering Ministry on December 6, 2020, during both of its Sunday services. The children in the congregation were invited to come up to the altar where the tin buckets are kept. Then the children each took a bucket and begin circulating throughout the congregation pews. When they are done collecting, they brought their buckets back up to the altar. The money offering collected during Christmas will be for the March to the Manger Ministry. The money will be used to support The Methodist Children’s Home in Waco and Providence Place in San Antonio.
After the completion of collecting for March to the Manger, the money collected will be used two-fold, to pay school lunches for Vernon I.S.D or other Wilbarger students with outstanding lunch accounts. Secondly, it will also be used to fund a Rainbow Room for children taken into Child Protective Custody and placed into foster homes. The Rainbow Room will allow the children to receive new clothes, hygiene products, and whatever else they need.
In addition, FMC has designated it’s parlor for monitored family visits that CPS has scheduled for their families. FMC is proud to provide the church to CPS.
Our Noisy Ministry is a year-round offering that benefits all the children of Wilbarger County and surrounding counties.